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    THE KEY 結果共120筆

  • Hsiao Bi-khim considered top running mate for DPP’s Lai

    DPP legislator Kuo Kuo-wen suggests that Representative to the U.S. Hsiao Bi-khim’s high societal recognition is a key factor in her being considered as a potential running mate for DPP presidential hopeful Lai Ching-te. Lai himself has mentioned that he has multiple candidates in mind for the vice-presidential position, with six individuals recommended by different sectors. While Lai did not explicitly confirm Hsiao as the top candidate, he did imply it.
    2023/11/02 20:31
  • President Tsai meets with Montana Governor Greg Gianforte

    President Tsai Ing-wen met with a visiting delegation led by Greg Gianforte, the governor of Montana, at the Presidential Office in Taipei. They discussed issues of mutual concern and expressed their desire to deepen the partnership between Taiwan and Montana, particularly in key industries such as optoelectronics, optics, and semiconductors. President Tsai welcomed Governor Gianforte’s decision to make Taiwan the first stop on his international visit and thanked him for his efforts in enhancing bilateral economic cooperation.
    2023/10/31 18:02
  • Sky Dragon military drills show joint operational skills

    Taiwan’s annual Air Force Tien Lung military drills, also known as "Sky Dragon," have commenced and will run from October 30 to November 3. The exercise involves key fighter aircraft such as the F-16V, Mirage 2000, and IDF, collaborating with other units to evaluate joint operational effectiveness. The drills encompass various airborne force-on-force scenarios, including air-to-air, air-to-sea, and air-to-ground warfare competitions. In addition, the exercise involves the participation of Air Force infantry and special forces units, engaging in activities like small arms firing, ammunition loading, and mobile defense operations. Outstanding pilots, including champions in air combat, target shooting, and bombardment, will be selected by the Air Force. This significant military exercise follows the "Chang Ching17 Exercise" conducted by the army from October 23 to 27, marking its first occurrence in six years.
    2023/10/30 16:36
  • MOEA expresses concern about maintaining 2% GDP growth

    Taiwan’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Wang Mei-hua, expressed concerns about maintaining a 2% GDP growth rate this year despite signs of economic recovery. She cited external factors such as inflation, the Russia-Ukrainian war, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as global market influences. However, Wang emphasized that Taiwan’s innovation and efficiency are key advantages that can withstand external economic pressures. The National Development Council also reported a slight improvement in economic measures, indicating subtle growth amidst global adversity. Despite challenges, Taiwanese authorities and stakeholders remain cautiously optimistic and ready to leverage the nation’s inherent strengths.
    2023/10/30 14:38
  • TSIA Chair urges government to prepare for AI revolution

    Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association Chair Cliff Hou has made four key suggestions to the government in a proposal, emphasizing the need to prepare for significant changes in the global semiconductor industry due to the rise of AI.
    2023/10/27 20:03
  • Youth groups urge candidates to address youth issues

    The Taiwan Youth Association for Democracy (TYAD) calls on presidential candidates to address youth concerns in their "2024 Youth Policy White Paper." Key issues include national defense, voting age, housing, traffic safety, work conditions, and mental health. TYAD seeks direct responses from candidates.
    2023/10/25 17:42
  • China’s headhunting of Taiwanese tech talent raises concerns

    Taiwan’s Minister of Economic Affairs emphasizes the importance of key tech industries to the country’s economy and the need to protect them from corporate espionage. The high-tech sector in Taiwan has attracted attention from mainland China, resulting in the headhunting of Taiwanese tech talent. In response, Taiwan amended its National Security Act to impose stricter penalties for theft of business secrets. Additionally, Taiwan’s industrial production index has declined for 16 months, but there are signs of increased demand in the AI industry chain. Despite uncertainties in consumer behavior and global economic recovery, industry feedback suggests potential growth in future quarters.
    2023/10/24 13:55
  • Mayor Chiang wows at fashion show with monochrome suit

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an makes a fashionable statement at Taipei Fashion Week, sparking excitement among attendees and online followers with his monochrome suit. Interestingly, Chiang revealed that his son played a key role in choosing his eye-catching outfits, highlighting the significance of family involvement in personal style.
    2023/10/23 16:44
  • 遭「最猛鬼娃」詛咒衰爆!2美男疑中邪狂吐 祂輕聲詭喊:拜託留下

    被封為「最猛鬼娃娃」之稱的「羅伯特娃娃(Robert the Doll)」雖外表看似平凡無奇,但據傳只要對祂有所不敬的話,就會面臨一連串的衰運與災難。其中,美國就有2名自稱是「幽靈獵人」的男子近日透露,他們在前往收藏羅伯特娃娃的博物館錄影拍片之後,就開始遇到各式各樣的怪事,讓他們忍不住質疑,是否冥冥之中已被鬼娃詛咒。
    2023/10/15 05:20
  • TPP emphasizes role of data science before alliance talks

    The Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) held their first staff meeting to discuss a possible election alliance. Key figures at the meeting included representatives from both parties. The TPP expressed their willingness to engage in dialogue and emphasized their faith in data science. The objective of the meeting was to negotiate an outcome acceptable to Taiwanese and supporters of both parties.
    2023/10/14 16:33
  • KMT unveils overhauling policies at ’Blue Fighters’ meeting

    KMT unveils eight policy proposals at ’BLUE FIGHTERS’ briefing. Key points include nuclear plant extensions, Cabinet system support, military salary hikes, and education reform. Will Han Kuo-yu unite the opposition for the 2024 election challenge? Get the latest on Taiwan’s political landscape.
    2023/10/11 19:28
  • Tsai sets democratic path for interaction with Beijing

    President Tsai Ing-wen’s final National Day speech emphasizes Taiwan’s approach to Beijing, global partnerships, and the quest for peaceful coexistence. Read her key points here.
    2023/10/10 16:25
  • DPP, KMT scrutinize motives in egg critic’s faked threats

    Leading Taiwan political parties, DPP and KMT, are scrutinizing the motives of the "egg critic" who admitted to faking death threats. The controversy centers on his fabricated threats linked to criticism of the DPP’s egg import policies. Key figures emphasize the importance of evidence and judicial investigations.
    2023/10/03 19:58
  • Terry Gou highlights qualities for potential VP nominee

    Business tycoon Terry Gou shared the key characteristics of his potential running mate on Tuesday (Sept. 5), during a visit to the Dongmen Market seeking support from local businesses.
    2023/09/05 17:29
  • Lai Ching-te concludes visit to Paraguay, returns to Taiwan

    Vice President Lai Ching-te’s successful 7-day diplomatic trip to Paraguay highlights the deepening ties between the nations. With an emphasis on shared values, collaboration, and mutual benefit, Lai’s visit underscores Taiwan’s commitment to international partnerships. Learn about key initiatives spanning education, healthcare, and economic collaboration.
    2023/08/18 17:11
  • DPP leaders brave sweltering heat in style at party rally

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) held its National Convention on Sunday (July 16), with key figures including DPP Chairman Lai Ching-te, President Tsai Ing-wen, and Premier Chen Chien-jen in attendance. 
    2023/07/16 16:22
  • The View From Taiwan: Bilingual media showcases Taiwan model

    More foreigners are interested in Taiwan and Taiwanese are noticing the importance of connecting with the world. And when building a bilingual community in 2030 is the Taiwanese government’s goal, local media can play a key part to achieve this objective. 
    2022/12/14 15:32
  • 金曲歌后健身房倒閉!WG接手會籍 今年將展15間店

    去年5月受到新冠疫情影響,三級警戒期間健身房必須停業,許多健身者失去收入導致下半年儘管開放疫情趨緩開放運動,但也陸續有業者結束營業,包含金曲獎台語歌后李愛綺所經營的The Key Fitness,連鎖業者世界健身俱樂部則宣布接手該健身房會員會籍轉移。
    2022/01/19 17:56
  • 疫情受災戶+1!歌后虧百萬 「東區房租高」瑜珈館收攤

    以台語歌手出道的女星李愛綺,2015 年憑著《微風.城市》專輯拿下第26屆金曲獎最佳台語女歌手獎,與美籍老公Duke結婚13年,育有一雙兒女。夫妻倆近來投身健身事業,自創品牌,砸下千萬在東區開設瑜珈會館「THE KEY YOGA」,不過現在傳出不敵疫情,將在月底結束營業。
    2021/10/23 12:01
  • 【財訊】統一搶賺運動財 引爆健身房百億商機

    2018/09/20 02:05
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